In Trump's America

Julio Ramos: ‘I remember the special interaction that the physician had with my mother, and I want to have that role in my community.’

Julio Ramos taught middle school biology in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. But ever since his mother was treated for cancer when he was young, it's been his dream to become a doctor — and provide care for people who sorely need it.

About Julio Ramos

Immigration status Undocumented DACA recipient
Country of birth Mexico
Location Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Age 24

Reporting by Reynaldo Leanos Jr.

In Trump's America
We're following the stories of individuals as they navigate the policy and ideological shifts happening during the Trump administration. From an undocumented immigrant to a Nobel Prize winner, here's how immigration affects people.

In Global Nation Conflict & Justice Trump's America

Tagged: DACA health care Rio Grande Valley New York tuition